Held Virtually
21-23 Oct 2020
Electric Utility Forecaster Forum
EUFF is a member operated and driven organization that provides meeting participants with a venue to share forecast techniques, experiences, and topics relating to load forecasting and electric utility sales.

• EUFF has been operating continuously since 1987, usually meeting twice each year
• EUFF pre-dates Itron’s Energy Forecasting Group (2002) and EEI Load Forecasting Group (2007)
• Member operated organization with no paid staff
• Meeting costs are held low and based on “cost sharing”

EUFF President Kyle Wood of Seminole Electric, EUFF Vice President of Programs Kelton Aspuru of the Orlando Utilities Commission, and EUFF Vice President of Communications & Governance Abby Mayer of Seminole Electric would like to invite you to the EUFF fall 2020 meeting. We would always prefer to meet in person but, given the circumstances, EUFF will hold its first virtual meeting October 21st - 23rd from 9:00 a.m. EST to 12:00 p.m. EST. The conference fee will be waived for this meeting.
As always, this event will be a great opportunity to interact with members of the forecasting community, learn from engaging speakers, collect new ideas to enhance your projections, and of course talk all things forecasting. Last meeting, in Fall 2019, we had speakers who explored the rising potential of distributed rooftop solar adoption and approaches to measuring and forecasting its transformation to our industry, normal weather methodologies, detecting anomalies within hourly load data, the possibility of an approaching recession and its impacts on forecasting, distribution of peak weather and response, SAS short-term load forecasting, AMI metering data, and data integrity and accuracy.
Thank you for your interest in the Electric Utility Forecaster Forum. We look forward to seeing you on the web!
Wednesday, October 21 – COVID-19 Impacts
9:00am – 9:15am: Kyle Wood (Seminole Electric / EUFF President) - Welcome to EUFF’s virtual Fall 2020 meeting; seeking EUFF Treasurer
9:15am – 10:00am: Kelton Aspuru (OUC / EUFF Vice President of Programs) – COVID-19 impacts
10:00am – 10:45am: Todd Wheeler or Mike Goodman (Tesla Forecasting) – COVID-19 impacts
10:45am – 11:30am: Roundtable discussion – Disruptions, data issues, and techniques in regards to COVID-19
11:30am – 12:00am: Block for roundtable extension or end early
Thursday, October 22 – Weather & Climate
9:00am – 9:15am: Kelton Aspuru (OUC / EUFF Vice President of Programs) – Opening and introductions
9:15am – 10:00am: Carole Cox (Lakeland) – Weather-normalizing using AMI data
10:00am – 10:45am: Eric Fox (Itron) – Climate change - temperature trends and impacts to electric sales and peak demand
10:45am – 11:30am: Roundtable discussion – Weather & Climate
11:30am – 12:00am: Block for roundtable extension or end early
Friday, October 23 – Solar & New Technologies
9:00am – 9:15am: Abby Mayer (Seminole Electric / EUFF Vice President of Communications & Governance) – Opening and introductions
9:15am – 10:00am: Abby Mayer (Seminole Electric / EUFF Vice President of Communications & Governance) – Solar forecasting – approaches, growth, and other associated topics
10:00am – 10:45am: Jonathan Nunes (nFront Consulting) – Testing methodologies on actual solar data
10:45am – 11:30am: Roundtable discussion – Solar, EVs, batteries, new data challenges, etc
11:30am – 12:00am: EUFF wrap-up: EUFF Treasurer voting and discussion on next meeting
Information coming soon!